Opening: 18/04/24 Duration: 18.04.24 – 25.05.24
2023, Past Exhibitions, Solo Exhibitions


A dancefloor of one’s own

Opening: April 18th, 18:00 – 21:00

Exhibition duration: 18.04.24 – 25.05.24

Visual artist Katerina Papazissi presents her new work series in her first solo exhibition at Ileana Tounta Contemporary Art Center, titled A dancefloor of one’s own.

Roused by Renaissance, Baroque and expressionist painting, her works reflect her own rendition of the artistic practice of the great masters of these movements, sometimes through distinct references and sometimes not. Starting from similar compositions, Papazissi reimagines academic painting and brings it to contemporary terms, bestowing upon familiar forms the sense that they escape their boundaries and transform into something else via her artistic touch.

In her works, this transformation also regards the social perception of the female body. As a major element of academic painting, Papazissi takes it and reconstructs it within her own artistic environment, aiming at an “intentional liberation of form and body that allows for alternative narratives to develop and a more expansive and inclusive exploration of representation to take place”, as it is explained by Panos Giannikopoulos in the exhibition’s accompanying text.

The title of the exhibition, A dancefloor of one’s own, referring to Virginia Woolf‘s essay A room of one’s own, describes the presented artworks both thematically and conceptually. The bold colors and celebratory scenes in her works on canvas are juxtaposed with her dark and introspective monotypes, mirroring the corresponding moments of everyday reality. A reality where so many contradictory things happen all at once and culminate into a frantic vortex, similar to the one of a disheveled party.

Visiting hours: Tue – Thu: 15:00 – 20:00, Wed – Fri: 12:00 – 20:00, Saturday: 12:00 – 16:00